A creative thinker and versatile communications professional.

Philadelphia, PA

A selection of work done between 2014-2020


November 2019 I Infographic

A data-centered infographic about the impact of the mission-drive food distributor, The Common Market.

social media

January 2020 I Instagram

The Common Market Texas partnered with the Austin Independent School District to bring it’s cafeterias and student diners 100% pasture-raised beef from Augustus Ranch, Yoakum, TX. To boost awareness about this major partnership, I developed a template for social media to highlight the details and show off the farm in an entertaining way.

September 2018 I InstagramSupport your local farmer. As we sought to drive Membership for a new season of Farm Share, I wanted to highlight our beautiful on-farm photography, while calling out the most important reason to participate in the program.

September 2018 I Instagram

Support your local farmer. As we sought to drive Membership for a new season of Farm Share, I wanted to highlight our beautiful on-farm photography, while calling out the most important reason to participate in the program.


October 2017 I Instagram

Each season, The Common Market Farm Share has an established deadline for signing up. I used stunning, standalone images of our produce to illustrate the final countdown. I used these as a series on Instagram leading up to the final 3 days of the registration period.



January 2020 I Event Promo Banner

The Common Market Southeast is hosting its annual Vendor Fair, an event that invites all customer and local food enthusiasts to their Atlanta warehouse for a chance to meet-and-greet with the farmer network. Citrus was in season, and these bold satsumas lent a beautiful color pop as a background. These were built for an email campaign and an Eventbrite event page, respectively.

October 2019 I Event Promo FlyerIn fall 2019, The Common Market Southeast invited customers out to one of their Alabama-based farms for a farm tour, a unique experience to get to know their farmer, meet farm animals, and learn about the farm’s opera…

October 2019 I Event Promo Flyer

In fall 2019, The Common Market Southeast invited customers out to one of their Alabama-based farms for a farm tour, a unique experience to get to know their farmer, meet farm animals, and learn about the farm’s operations. This event was also to bring awareness to the chapter’s expansion into Alabama, so I wanted to ensure to have the region standout in the design. The asset was used in an email marketing campaign.

Scenes from EventsI’ve assisted with putting on events for The Common Market, including farm tours and annual vendor fairs. We’ve invited hundreds of customers, stakeholders and local foodies out to our warehouses, or offsite venues, to encourage th…

Scenes from Events

I’ve assisted with putting on events for The Common Market, including farm tours and annual vendor fairs. We’ve invited hundreds of customers, stakeholders and local foodies out to our warehouses, or offsite venues, to encourage them to get to know our vendors. We’ve run live cooking demos with farmers and chefs, led warehouse tours, and given away branded tote bags as goodie bags. I made sure to arrange for our photographer to join us to snap candid shots of the scenes, so as to promote later on social media and in follow-up thank you notes to guests.




November 2019 I Digital Flyer

The Common Market Farm Share launched a new program that incentivized Members to purchase three or more Share varieties. Members received a prize for their commitment to the program. This design is a digital flyer, shared in an email, to highlight the new incentive.

Fall 2018 I Sales BrochureThis is one side of a sales brochure, designed to highlight some of The Common Market programs that would entice private and public school clients to partner with us, including a Harvest of the Month program, which is a mon…

Fall 2018 I Sales Brochure

This is one side of a sales brochure, designed to highlight some of The Common Market programs that would entice private and public school clients to partner with us, including a Harvest of the Month program, which is a monthly produce spotlight.

Winter 2019 I Sales BrochureThis is two pages out of a multi-page brochure, which served as a resource for food retail locations looking to highlight local items in their outlets. I wanted to balance examples of The Common Market’s retail items, pre…

Winter 2019 I Sales Brochure

This is two pages out of a multi-page brochure, which served as a resource for food retail locations looking to highlight local items in their outlets. I wanted to balance examples of The Common Market’s retail items, present enough thorough, educational information, all while showing off real examples of how retail displays could look in the real world.

other assets

July 2016 I Blog imageWhen the DNC came to Philadelphia, MilkCrate partnered with the committee to promote sustainability. A blog post that we penned during this time, highlighted how to host an event with a sustainable approach. I designed this ass…

July 2016 I Blog image

When the DNC came to Philadelphia, MilkCrate partnered with the committee to promote sustainability. A blog post that we penned during this time, highlighted how to host an event with a sustainable approach. I designed this asset to use at the top of the blog. I think the contrast works nicely, allowing the partners to be highlighted very clearly, while the background food imagery still grasps attention.

Fall 2018 I Point of Sale FlyerI designed this drag-and-drop template for our sales team’s to utilize and customize whenever a customer of The Common Market wants to highlight the local foods their purchasing and selling or offering in retail enviro…

Fall 2018 I Point of Sale Flyer

I designed this drag-and-drop template for our sales team’s to utilize and customize whenever a customer of The Common Market wants to highlight the local foods their purchasing and selling or offering in retail environments or cafeterias.


January 2020 I Email Asset, InstagramThe Common Market wanted to start the new year with an illustrated infographic highlighting their impact from 2019. I conceptualized how this could look from colors, to impact points to include, to detailed illus…

January 2020 I Email Asset, Instagram

The Common Market wanted to start the new year with an illustrated infographic highlighting their impact from 2019. I conceptualized how this could look from colors, to impact points to include, to detailed illustrations and formatting. I worked with a designer on this multi-part campaign to execute the illustrations and bring my concept to life.